This is my blog on programming issues and my life as an Systems Developer.
tirsdag, oktober 31, 2006
Anders Hejlsberg in Copenhagen (IT University)
As you probably already know, Anders is the man behind C# and this lecture will contain a walkthrough of the new language features of C# 3.0 as well as his reasons for including these language features in this future release of C#.
C# 3.0 will include really cool features like:
- Implicitly typed local variable declaration: (for example var i = 42)
- Extension methods (the possibility to extend existing types with additional methods)
- Lambda expressions (cool SML like syntax for methods: x=> x + 42 )
- Greater type inference
- Object and collection initializers ( shorter syntax for creating instances)
- Anonymous types (like: new{Name = “Runi”, Language=”C sharp”})
- Implicity types arrays
- And the LINQ (declarative type safe access to query relational and hieratical data)
To register for this FREE event, register here:
I will surely be there - see you all.
fredag, oktober 27, 2006
Sitecore Instructur at last
I just completed my first instruction in the Sitecore API course. It was actually quite giving and interesting to teach Sitecore on a lower level, surely something I want to do again.
Actually, if everything goes well, my next instruction session will be in Holland sometime late next month.
onsdag, oktober 25, 2006
Dont trust your debugger
I just waisted a couple of hours because of a strange behaviour in the Visual Studio debugger.
Consider the following code:
object obj = new String('a',1); //"a"
string str = new String('a',1); //"a"
Console.Out.WriteLine(obj == str); //ln1
Console.Out.WriteLine(str == obj); //ln2
Console.Out.WriteLine((string)obj == str);//ln3
Console.Out.WriteLine(str ==(string)obj); //ln4
Console.Out.WriteLine(obj.Equals(str)); //ln5
Console.Out.WriteLine(str.Equals(obj)); //ln6
Now, add breakpoints in Visulal Studio on line 1 to 6 - and make the debugger evaluate the expression before it is printet to the console.
What would you (the debugger) expect the output to be? The Visual Studio Debugger says:
This is however not the case. The actual output is:
There is really nothing strange about the result. The == operator does not just call the Equals method blindly and virtually as one might expect. It is actually an operator that compares references unless overridden.
By default the == operator compares for reference equality. So if == tests for reference equality, this would explain the behavior of the result of ln1 and ln2, but not ln 3 and 4. This is because the == operator has been overridden in the String class to call the Equals method, thus comparing the value of the string rather than its reference. (this explains ln 3 and 4).
The runtime system determines which operator to call based on the runtime type (the type of the reference rather than the type of the instance). In ln 1 and 2 the == operator of the Object class is used, where in ln3 and ln4 the operator as defined in the String class is used.
So much for the == operator. The strange thing however, is that the Visual Studio debugger does not seam to get this. (VS2003). I used a lot of time debugging an expression inside an 'if' statement, which evaluated to false (by the debugger) but the if - statement - body was entered anyway. Grrr – I’m a bit pissed at the debugger.