torsdag, december 17, 2009

.NET Developer on a Macbook Pro running Windows 7

Yes I know, It is strange but very true.

I am a Microsoft .NET programmer and I use a 17” Unibody Macbook Pro Mid 2009 model, with a 2.66 GHz CPU, 8 GB RAM, and a Intel X-25m 160GB SSD hard drive. On top of that, I'm running Windows 7 as my primary OS spending 99% of my time on it, and using 90% of my time in Visual Studio 2008, Outlook 2010 Beta or Google Chrome.

And I am happy. Well now I am, but it has been a hassle. For a little over a year, I have been struggling to make this baby perform under Windows 7, and I has not been easy. I must have used 100 hours reading blogs, discussion forums and reading web pages on the subject. 

This is actually my second Unibody Macbook Pro. My first was a 15" but I sold that one and bought the 17” model instead. This proved to be a good decision. The 17” has a marvelous battery life and a fantastic screen compared to the 15” model. It is also a lot more silent and not as hot during intensive use.

I am besides being a .NET developer also a consultant. It has been quite funny to see how my customers make funny faces when I sit down around the conference table, introducing myself as a Microsoft specialist, pulling a Macbook Pro from my briefcase. However, some of them have told me that they actually had the same idea and I made a promise to one of them to explain how I made it perform under Windows 7. What better way of doing that than writing a series of blog posts.

I will over the next few days write about what I did to make it perform, and describe the one issue that remains to be solved: How to enable AHCI and thus SATA2 speeds in Windows 7. But more on that later.

5 kommentarer:

Unknown sagde ...


I'm trying to solve the same problem, have you found out how to get AHCI to work on win7 (or whatever version of windows) and the latest nvidia-based macbooks?


Jukka-Pekka Keisala sagde ...

Are you using bootcamp? I still like MacOS more for surfing etc. I use Windows only for work. I am running Windows 2008 "workstation" via VMWare fusion.
Looking forward your serie on this.

Unknown sagde ...

I am also curious as to how you made it perform. I've recently install an intel X25-m 160GB SSD in my late 2009 17 inch MBP. Being stuck in 1.5Gb sata mode sucks.

Unknown sagde ...

I'm also .NET developer using 15 2009 macbook pro. Couldn't you please explain how do you enabled ahci mode on your mac ?

Anonym sagde ...

Hey this tips are awesome and nice to see you I bookmark this blog. Thanks

.Net Development